In addition to the feature films and listed below, I have been directing countless short films based on a participatory approach, working together with activists, social institutions, trade unions and political groups. Most of these short films have also been published on the blog of Take “A story of good water” as an example that you can watch here.
Director: Finding Europe (2020-2022)
From the summer of 2020 on, we traveled to 16 different European countries on behalf of “Studio Kalliope”, the “Goethe Institute” and the German broadcaster “Phoenix” in order to involve people everywhere in discussions about Europe and the European Union. Countrymen interviewed countrymen on aspects of the subtopics of their choice, while we withdrew yourself to an observer position and recorded. The work is currently in undergoing editing.
Director: One Word (2018 – 2020)
On behalf of the German Foreign Office and Studio Kalliope (Potsdam, Babelsberg), we set out for the Pacific in January 2018 with our participatory concept. In five long-term film workshops lasting over 9 months we examined the topographical, social and political consequences of global climate change for the small RMI – together with the population of the Marshall Islands. The RMI’s national territory is only a few meters above sea level “One Word” (Editor: Daria Castel, Best Film at LIDF in London / Bronze at HCCFF) was shown at major festivals around the world and in numerous cinemas and can currently be seen in North America on all major streaming channels distributed by “Cinedigm”. In Germany, Switzerland and Austria the movie is distributed by EZEF for educational purposes. Watch the trailer on the movie’s website.
Director: No Rest. No Haste. (2012-2015)
In 2012/2013 we brought my debut film “Sachamanta” back to its place of action to the people it affected, to “the Monte” in northern Argentina. We went around the region and showed the film everywhere. And we confronted the activists of the region with the questions of the European audience of “Sachamanta”. “No Rest. No Haste” was created on the basis of these interviews. (Editor: Nora Wetzel) The film tells of all the impressing things that were achived in the region in a short time as a result of collective work: schools, universities, self-governing agriculture and much more. Watch the trailer or the complete film on
Director: Sachamanta (2009-2012)
“Sachamanta” (Special Mention Festival delle Terre) was released in German, Swiss and Austrian cinemas in 2012 and has since been shown at countless festivals and political events. The film tells of the successful struggle of Argentinian campesin@s against land grabbing by large corporations. The free radio stations of the small farmers play a key role in this success, spreading enlightenment and courage across the vast expanse of the country.
Sachamanta (edited by Nora Wetzel) was the first documentary that I directed. The film was also my first participatory film. The interviews were conducted by the campesin@s themselves.
When we were invited to film talks in cinemas, we asked the audience to write down their reactions, questions or comments and handed out paper and pens. People wrote, sketched and drew and they had many questions. These questions formed the basis of the interview guidelines for the sequel “No Rest. No Haste.” (see above). Watch the trailer or the complete film on